Friday, October 07, 2011

How To Use Copywriting Secrets To Get Your Emails Opened

One of the most difficult aspects of email marketing is improving your open rate. After all, if your prospects don't open your email, they can't know what wonderful products and services you're promoting.
Here are 3 direct response copywriting secrets you can use to increase your open rate and your bottom line.
1. Your subject line must be a short, attention grabbing, sentence much like what you would find on the envelope of a piece of direct mail you receive in your mailbox at home. Consider, when writing it, if it answers one of these three questions:
* Who is the email from? "HGTV Top Decorating Dos and Don'ts" for example, tells the recipient who the email is from. It also offers a benefit.
* What does the recipient have to do and when do they have to do it. For example, "Enter Today to win the $5000 Thanksgiving Sweepstakes."
* What benefit do they receive by opening it? "Learn how to add $1000 to your bank account each month."
2. Your From Line is key. If you're a well known company, then putting your company name in the from line is the best bet. People aren't going to open an email from someone they don't know. There's too much risk with viruses and too much SPAM to bother. However, if they immediately know who the email is from, they're more likely to open it. But what if you're not a well known company? Then put your name in the "From" line.
3. Pay close attention to your first couple of sentences. Direct response copywriters call the first paragraph the "lead" and most email systems provide their users with a few words, if not the first few sentences of an email. These first few sentences are critical to your open rate. Use active and inspiring language to excite your reader, inspire curiosity, or create a sense of urgency. Once the email is open, then you can let your copy do its job.
Your open rate is one of the most important statistics to increase your email marketing success. Use what direct response copywriters have known for decades and apply it to your email marketing strategy for optimal results.

Thursday, October 06, 2011

How To Use A Tell A Friend Script To Create Traffic

Traffic is what a website needs to be successful. It is traffic that can provide the income a website needs to sustain itself. And if it were a business oriented website, you surely are going to achieve the sales quota for the day to earn a good amount of money. While setting up a website seems easy, driving traffic to it is actually the biggest problem of all. 

But of course, for every problem, there is always a solution. To solve the problem associated with a slow day on your website is the tell-a-friend script. While the script won't necessarily give you the spike of traffic you want in a day; it could certainly double your traffic at any point in time. The tell-a-friend script works by giving your visitors the means to send a picture, a part of the content you have on your site, or simply an invitation to check out what you have up to their circle of friends. 

The script capitalizes on the word of mouth principle. If one person finds your website helpful, he most probably will share it with others. And if you have a fully functional tell-a-friend script; he or she need not log on to his mail client or instant messaging service. All he has to do is to use the link on your site that says 'email this to a friend' or 'invite a friend' and he will be redirected to a page wherein they can instantly send their personal message or a canned message to their friends. They'll only need to supply the recipient's email address and it is all done. 

The tell-a-friend script can actually work for you. People inviting their friends to your site proposes to be a better marketing strategy than sending massive spam mails to people you don't know. Not only that spamming is considered is illegal, you are also going to give your website a bad impression to the very people you want to visit. 

To make the script work for you, try to place it at the end of every content article you place on your site. Let your visitors freely surf everything you have placed on your website, read all information-rich articles, and browse through the pictures and images you have posted. Just make sure that the link to send the content to their friends are positioned optimally on every page so they can freely do so with every chance they get. 

If people receive an email from somebody they know, they are more likely to heed the invitation. Mail from people they trust have higher chances of being read rather than the emails from a site or a person they haven't heard of. It is very important that the tell-a-friend script you use is placing the name of the friend who recommends your site right on the subject part of the email. If their friend's name is not shown, they are more than likely going to ignore the message and treat it as spam. You don't want that to happen, so you have to make sure that the person's real name, if possible, is showing at all times. 

Other than that, you can also store the email address you collect for future contacts. With the tell-a-friend script, you can make a database full of email addresses of real people. You are not supposed to use these email address for marketing purposes, though. Part of your privacy policy is to use only the email addresses you have acquired for the actual purpose intended. Don't send unsolicited emails to those addresses or sell them to other people, as doing that is also considered as spam and that is punishable by law. 

The simple tell-a-friend script could give you better mileage on your website. You can obtain most of these scripts for free. Just make sure that you get them from reliable sources to be sure that you're not creating security threats for your site. However, you can also have them customized by a seasoned programmer. You might need to pay them for their services, though. But then again, it is only a one-time deal. It's a good investment because you will be able to maximize your visitors once you have the script up and running. 

When it comes to generating visitors, you should do everything necessary to make your site successful, as far as unique traffic is concerned. And the tell-a-friend script is definitely something that you can use to make things happen for you and your website.
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Keeping Up In The Domain Name Game

Choosing a domain name doesn't always come easy. There are a number of things to consider when choosing a domain name. But first ....

What is a domain name? Your domain name is the 'address' of your web site on the Internet. Your domain name can make or break your success so it is essential to pick the right one.

This brings up the first consideration for a domain name - Do you use a domain name that matches your business or do you choose a name that 'brands' your online presence?

Establishing a 'brand' name online and using that brand name helps people remember YOU and your online business. Take Amazon (
) and Barnes & Noble (
) as examples. You wouldn't know that they were online bookstores from their domain names BUT you know they are online book stores because of the 'branding' and the reputation they have built up. Remember branding happens over a period of time and isn't instant.

Amazon or Barnes & Noble could easily have chosen
 to match their type of business rather than choose the names they did. There is no hard and fast rule, it just depends on what your long term business plans/goals are. 

Ok, now you have to decide what extension to use. Notice with Amazon's domain name that they
 The extension is the .com part 

The most common and popular extension is .com which is the reason why the media talk about the 'dotcom' bubble. You think about it - when you are trying to remember a domain name you will more than likely try
 before you try any other extension. The .com extension is always the one you should try to get, if at all possible. If you can't get the .com name then the next most popular would be the .net extension. Besides the .com and .net extensions, there are quite a few others like 


Some extensions are reserved for specific uses like .edu which is reserved for educational institutions.

The next big question is whether you should use Hyphenations in your domain name.

I have seen many discussions online about the pros and cons of hyphenated domain names. For example should your online bookstore domain name be

You need to consider how readable the name is, how will it look on your business cards and letterheads and how easy would it be to remember as well. The biggest pro for using hyphenated domain names is that the search engines are able to read the domain name easily when the domain name is hyphenated.

In the onlinebookstore example the search engine would just read the 'online' segment of the domain name whereas with the online-bookstore example the search engine would read both 'online' and 'bookstore'. This would help to get your bookstore listed in the search engines as 'online' 'bookstore' rather than just 'online'.

Finally, to register a domain name means that you need to find a domain registrar. There are many choices of companies through which you can register your domain name.

Please make sure you find a reputable company that allows the following features -

- Allows the domain to be registered in YOUR name, not theirs. You want the domain name to belong to YOU

- How easy is it to transfer to another domain registrar if you wish to. You are entitled to move your domain registration to another provider.

- How easy is it to 'manage' your own domains. You will need to be able to configure the Domain Name Servers (DNS) of your domain to point to the web host provider.

Be careful and do a search for reputable registrars BEFORE you select one.

Some well known registrars include, but are not restricted to -

Terry Jones owns and operates
. His web site offers hints and tips on setting up your web site including script installations, script & tool reviews for your web success. To subscribe to the Easy Web Resources Gold Mine just go here -

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Succeeding With AdSense Is More Than Just A Fantasy

These days, more and more online entrepreneurs are joining the AdSense bandwagon, what with the many rewards that can be gained from this PPC program. There are reports of people earning as much as $20,000 per month from the AdSense program. This fact alone can encourage anyone to at least give this income channel a try.

How can you achieve the most success in your AdSense campaign?

The More, The Merrier

For starters, you have to remember that one website will rarely give you the results you can consider as profitable. Though it’s possible to earn thousands of dollars per month from one website, it is very difficult. You have to drive an enormous volume of traffic to such a website to start earning a lot from the clicks you will gain from your visitors.

Besides, with your AdSense account, you’re not limited to using it on just a single website? You can use the same AdSense account on numerous websites. Settling on just one website would be an unusual choice, since you can earn more by having 10, 20 or even 100 websites in the World Wide Web.

Let’s look at it this way. If you have a single website earning $10 a day (a patsy amount in this day and age), you’ll earn $300 per month from AdSense.

But if you have 10 such websites, you’d earn $3,000 per month!

So which would you rather choose? A single website or more websites capable of producing consistent numbers?

Three Requisites Of AdSense Success

To succeed with the AdSense program, you’d need to ensure 3 things for each and every website you will build. Let’s take a look at these vital factors which will spell the difference between success and failure with the AdSense program:

1. You have to choose keywords with high costs per click (CPC). The CPC will determine how much you’ll receive every time a visitor of yours will click on the ad sent by Google AdSense. To get an idea about the going rates of certain keywords, try out the free tool at
 . You can also see how much advertisers are bidding for certain keywords at

2. You need to have a high volume of ad impressions. This means that you need to generate a lot of traffic for your website. This can be accomplished by sound search engine optimization (SEO) tactics, as well as some marketing strategies.

3. You need to achieve a high click through rate (CTR) for your websites. CTR refers to the ratio of successful clicks per number of visitors. The higher your CTR, the higher you stand to earn from Google AdSense. CTR can be improved through clever and effective ad positioning. This consist of choosing the right ad display, the right ad placement, and the right content to attract the desired ads.

Content Is King

Building a website is more than just an implementation of proper design sensibilities. You need to add high quality content sharing some very valuable information. Websites are driven by content and nothing more. If you have junk content, your foray into PPC programs will be useless, as you won’t have visitors who will be interested enough to view the ads displayed in your pages.

Also, good content will make sure that your website will get fetched by the search engine spiders. This is important because 80% of the traffic you will be able to generate for your website will come from the search engines. Constantly updating your website with fresh, premium content will ensure that the search engine spiders will constantly monitor your pages and they will fetch the same for every relevant query.

Do You Really Know The Difference Between Advertising And Spam?

There is a fine line between advertising and spam and unfortunately many business owners do not understand the difference between the two. This is important because while a cleaver, well planted Internet marketing campaign can help to attract new customers and keep existing customers loyal, spam is likely to alienate both new customers and existing customers. This can be extremely damaging to profit margins for the business owners. This article will take a look at a few basic Internet marketing strategies such as banner ads, email campaign and message board posts and describe how each can quickly cross the line from cleaver advertising to spam.

Banner ads are one of the most popular strategies which accompany an Internet marketing plan. These ads are usually ads which appear at the top of websites and span the width of the website. It is from this appearance that they earned the name banner ads but actually banner ads can refer to ads of a variety of different sizes and shapes which appear in an array of different locations on a website. In many cases the business owner purchases advertising space on these websites but the banner ad may also be placed as part of an exchange or an affiliate marketing campaign. 

Banner ad exchanges are situations in which one business owner posts a banner ad on his website in exchange for another business owner posting his banner ad on the other website. These agreements may be made individually between business owners with complementary businesses or as part of exchanges facilitated by a third party. In the case of affiliate marketing, an affiliate posts and advertisement for your business in exchange for compensation when the banner ad produces a desired effect such as generating website traffic or generating a sale. The terms of these agreements are determined beforehand and are generally based on a scale of pay per impression, pay per click or pay per sale or lead. 

Now that you understand what banner ads are, it is also important to understand how they can be overused and appear to be spam. Judiciously placing your banner ad on a few websites which are likely to attract an audience similar to your target audience is smart marketing, placing your banner ad on any website which will display the ad regardless of the target audience can be construed as spam. Internet users who feel as though your banner ads are everywhere they turn will not likely take your business seriously and are not likely to purchase products or services from you as a result of your banner ads. 

Email campaigns can also be very useful tools in the industry of Internet marketing. These campaigns may involve sending periodic e-newsletters filled with information as well as advertisements, short, informative email courses or emails offering discounts on products and services. Loyal customers who opt into your email list will likely not view these emails as spam and may purchase additional products and services from your business as a result of this marketing strategy. 

Additionally, potential customers who have specifically requested additional information on your products and services will also find this type of marketing to be useful. However, email recipients who did not request information are likely to view your emails as spam. Harvesting email addresses in a deceptive manner and using these addresses to send out mass emails will likely always be considered to be spam.

Finally, message boards provide an excellent opportunity for business owners to obtain some free advertising where it will be noticed by members of the target audience. If the products and services you offer appeal to a specific niche, it is worthwhile to join message boards and online forums related to your industry of choice. Here you will find a large population of Internet users who may have an interest in your products. 

You might consider including a link to your business in your signature or posting the link when it is applicable to the conversation. However, care should be taken to carefully review the message board guidelines to ensure you are not doing anything inappropriate. This technique is smart marketing. Conversely, replying to every message with a link to your website when it is not relevant to the conversation is likely to be construed as spam by other members. Once they begin to view your posts as spam, they are not likely to visit your website via the links you post.

Everything You Wanted To Know About Internet Marketing Consultants!

Looking for an Internet marketing consultant who can make things work for you? Take your time and do some homework as well as market survey. That should help you to find out the true person you are looking for.

Before you begin the talent hunt, make it a point to understand the basics of online advertising if you do not have time to go deeper into it. That way, you can understand whether the consultant is taking you for a ride or not.

Internet is the playground for the most innovative minds, and there are conventional as well as unconventional avenues of making fast buck. There are schemes that may sound impractical and incomprehensible. Yet they may give you unimaginable return for the paltry sum you were hesitant to invest in the beginning.

Similarly, the strategy that looked like a flower bed could turn out to be a concealed trap, sucking your buck like a black hole and giving off not even a burp. Internet marketing is usually based on the traditional mode of media advertising as well as newly emerged concepts like search engine optimization and pay per click.

The Internet marketing consultant should have foresight to be able to calculate all risks and go for a strategy that is a mixture of various modes of online marketing. That way, you never depend on a single traditional or ground breaking policy or the success of your business. If one of the strategies fails, there always are other life lines around.

Among the traditional modes of advertising there are print, graphics, audio visual media and animation. The web is place where all these media come together without any of the temporal, geographical and financial deterrents that severely limit their scope in the traditional media. Consider a video ad situated at a corner of a web page.

It is just like a television screen inside a newspaper, and you have the liberty to replay the ad as many times as you like. Have you ever thought how powerful multimedia really is? Innovative online marketing strategies include starting a web community and sending newsletters to subscribers.

Newsletters are virtual information booklets about products that have a fan following in the market. These differ from spam in that they take the customer’s consent before bombarding his mailbox with html messages. If your consultant advices you to adopt such a strategy, make sure that the visitors have a number of choices regarding the newsletter.

Ask them whether they wish to get the newsletter daily, weekly or monthly. People do not have similar web habits. There are a lot of people who check their mail in an irregular way. If they come back to open their mailbox after a week, they will probably be unsettled by the sheer volume of mail sent by you, and he will either delete all your mails or mark you as spammer, and would probably wish to unsubscribe instead of becoming a valuable community member.

After the above discussion, you may feel that a web marketing consultant’s job is extremely tough. He has to be subtle enough to understand the search engine optimization and community marketing, and exploit technological advances and innovative thinking to reap benefits for your business. So, ensure that you identify the right person for the position of an Internet marketing consultant.

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

How To Use A Newsletter To Generate Traffic

Right now, there are countless of ways to drive traffic to a site. But even though there are a lot of strategies, none of them can guarantee you results overnight. Driving traffic to a site is still the hardest job there is when it comes to maintaining a website. Traffic can be obtained by advertising and promotion. But do you know that you can get people to visit your website just by creating a newsletter?

People surf the internet for various reasons. But more than anything, they are online because they want to gain some information about something. Some people want to research more about a product before buying. Others are looking for suggestions from other users. And there are those who surf the internet just to gain knowledge. Therefore, if your site has good content, the higher the chances that you'll amass a good number of unique visitors from time to time. But what if your website is not an information portal and is actually an e-commerce site? Adding too many articles to it may be a problem because you already have loads of pictures and images to put up.

Well, if that's the only concern that you have, the solution is quite simple. All you really have to do is to create a regular newsletter about your products and relevant information about them. Newsletters could provide you with both repeat and unique visitors on a regular basis. Just make sure that you got some juicy headlines and eye-catching offers included in your newsletters. And for sure, your visitors will visit you every now and then, check your new and old products, and stay until they are ready to buy your products.

To be successful in making newsletters drive traffic to your site, you have to maintain an active list of email addresses of people to whom you can send your newsletters. The list doesn't have to include thousands of email addresses at once, if you don't have that yet. What's more important is that you'll build your list slowly along the way. Besides, a targeted list is better than the lists you can buy from so-called online marketing gurus.

A functional mailing list is the moving factor behind making newsletters for traffic. And you can get the email addresses of your visitors right from your site. Make sure that you have some scripts installed that allow your visitor to subscribe to your newsletters and to receive exciting updates that you might offer. Try to include a script wherein they can invite their friends as well. This allows them to easily recruit visitors for you. Your visitor's friends could be an integral part of your daily traffic requirement.

The newsletters that you create regularly should be stored in one folder of your website. Always upload new newsletters promptly. You can use the actual web page to be sent to the people on your list. Or you can simply send the link that will take them there. Between these two options, it is always better to send the page itself so that people will see your newsletters at once. This way, they can easily click on the live links included in the message if and when they find your articles and offers interesting enough. Now that's instant visitors for you.

So try to do the math. Imagine how many visitors you'll get if only around 10% of the 1,000 people would come and visit you. That's 100 unique visitors everyday. The number can't be that high, you might say. But then again, who's keeping you from sending your newsletters to millions of internet users? Just go ahead and keep updating your email database. Your traffic will definitely experience a spike in the days to come.

You can also keep an archive of your previously sent newsletters on a certain part your website for future reference. If you successfully create your newsletters to be both informative and exciting, then people will definitely go back and view them, even if it several months old. A database of newsletters could provide you with recurring traffic without too much effort on your part.

If you have yet to use newsletters as a strategy to drive traffic to your site, the right time is now. Don't be left behind by your competitors. Your website deserves to be seen, appreciated, and visited by hordes of traffic everyday. Start making that captivating newsletter today.

How To Increase Link Popularity For Traffic

You don't need to play dirty just to make more people link to your website and consequently generate more traffic. All you need to do is become more selective and creative with your content while exerting more effort in research. It may be simpler said than done, but at least you don't have to shell out a lot of money for it. Here are a couple of suggestions to get you started on your bid in the link popularity stakes.

How To Increase Link Popularity For Traffic

Never Submit Any Post That's Not Worth Reading

Online readers are rarely forgiving. All they need is just one ugly and worthless post from your website and that will be enough to make them blacklist your website on their list or worse, talk bad about you. Yes, we all know that it's important to consistently update the content of your website, but avoiding posting trash is the most important of all. If you really can't find anything worth reading to post today then don't. There's always tomorrow!

Update Consistently

No self-respecting website owner would want to link to a dead website. Including inactive links in his link directory will affect his own credibility since his readers will think that he's only added the website address to bulk up his link resources or just about any other reason that his readers won't care about. Because of that, website owners will constantly check and ensure that their outbound links are active. More importantly, they must ensure that those links lead to websites with regularly updated content. If you stop updating, people will stop linking to you, too.

Make It Easy For People To Link To You

In terms of social bookmarking, remember to place as many social bookmarking buttons as you need on every post you make. Remember to make them unobtrusive or you might end up irritating your readers. As for other situations, you could remind your readers to link back to you at the end of every post. You can also offer to redirect them to where they can download buttons of your website if they wish. Bend backwards if you will just as long as it's going to help them link back to your website!

Submit To Directories

There are various types of directories online such as podcast directories, article directories, blog directories, link directories, and more. Submit to all of them because every submission you make is one more opportunity to improve link popularity for your website.

When submitting to directories, remember to use the same submission data for all directories. This will solidify your reputation and let readers know that they're only reading from one source. Double-check your works, ensuring that they're all properly formatted and grammatically correct. Thirdly, read the terms and conditions of the directory and ascertain that your works don't violate any of their rules. Also, make sure you're submitting your works to the appropriate categories. If you don't then your works would end up being read by people without any interest in the kind of information they can yield.

Last but not least, consider how much time it would normally take before your work gets listed: timing is especially important if you're after a particular season or holiday.

Be A Social Butterfly

People won't link to you if they don't know your website exists in the first place. The only way to do that is by being a social butterfly. Join social networking websites and start adding as many people as you can but make sure you focus more on adding members who may be potentially interested in checking out your website.

Circulate in your blog community. Drop by other peoples blogs not just to say hi but to leave insightful comments as well. The very least these blog owners can do is to return the favor. If they like what you have to say then your friendly overture could be a start of a continuous exchange of links between you two.

Make Yourself Famous

Write an ebook. Collaborate with other experts. Join contests. Do what you can to make people aware that you and your website exist! This is the way to recruit new visitors for your website. Of course, it's up to you for your website to be consistent to ensure they'll come back for more.

A fresh Introduction To Internet Marketing

Internet marketing is the in thing. For the twentieth century consumers, especially high-profile ones, Internet is the place to be in. As an entrepreneur you cannot avoid the net because you cannot expect the post seventies generation to spend a lot of time watching television.

They sure are gizmo-freaks, as the market itself makes them perceive the madness as something very cool. One can expect them to watch their favorite baseball matches on their laptops, while frantically writing code or doing business.

Traditional media always will have its fair share of success. But convergence is the keyword of our day. All the traditional media like newspapers, radio and television are coming together in the Internet to deliver the maximum punch. Every medium has its own peculiarities that capture the imagination of the audience, and the net is the melting pot that allows the coexistence of all.

The World Wide Web erases boundaries for marketers. Unlike your favorite TV channel or newspaper, online marketing can cross the regional or geographical boundaries that severely limit their audience. People of China or India cannot read The New York Times, though they can see discovery channel and other sports channels.

Now, switch over to Internet marketing. Even if a large market is able to see advertisements on the television and would like to know more, there is absolutely no way out as the product is not available in the local market and buyers cannot find your product anywhere. On the other hand, if the entrepreneur goes for online presence and use e-commerce technologies, he can set up a virtual store in the cyberspace.

Interactive technologies like Flash and Java make the visitors feel almost like visiting a real store where they can see products from all angles, read articles that work like a friendly shop assistant and give them the expertise needed to buy the best one in the market. They decide to buy it, use their master cards or visa cards to pay up, and the merchandise is shipped within hours.

Internet marketing follows the rules of traditional advertising, and it does not. When one uses traditional media he has to pay extremely high amount even if the ad fails to reach the target audience. However, online marketing is different in its approach.

When it comes to getting the right kind of traffic in the web site, there are some ads that are relevant to all, whereas some are not. A car loan advertisement can interest almost everyone, whereas a professional video editing software ad would probably interest one in a hundred thousand viewers. No one wishes to spend money to enlighten golf maniacs about your video editing software.

This is where web based marketing comes into the picture. One should go for a scheme that places the relevant advertisement on other websites or search result pages, and demands money from the advertiser only when a truly interested visitor clicks on the link to visit his site. A shopkeeper would not click on an animated banner that advertises a video editing program. The logic is as simple as that.

This way web-based marketing helps marketers find customers scattered all over the world in the most cost effective way. Long live Internet marketing.